================================================================================================== New version: Database version: Date: 02-11-2022 Operating system: Windows 8/8.1 - 64 Bit, Windows 10 and Windows 11 AutoCAD AutoCAD Architecture 2023 SQL Sever: Microsoft SQL Sever 2014 - 2019 (Automatic installation only on x64 systems) Errors send to: entwicklung@stoehr-sauer.de ================================================================================================== Error ===== + Inside AutoCAD on some macines the OCTAcad ribbon was shown in a dark color very difficult to read. ================================================================================================== New version: Database version: Date: 26-10-2022 Operating system: Windows 8/8.1 - 64 Bit, Windows 10 and Windows 11 AutoCAD AutoCAD Architecture 2023 SQL Sever: Microsoft SQL Sever 2014 - 2019 (Automatic installation only on x64 systems) Errors send to: entwicklung@stoehr-sauer.de ================================================================================================== Error ===== + Searching in input controls of articles (i.e. Profile article no) did not work. The article no label remains red and the accessory was not updated. + In edit mode of wall records not all changes were saved if automatic saving was selected. ================================================================================================== New version: Database version: Date: 05-04-2022 Operating system: Windows 8/8.1 - 64 Bit, Windows 10 and Windows 11 AutoCAD AutoCAD Architecture 2023 SQL Sever: Microsoft SQL Sever 2014 - 2019 (Automatic installation only on x64 systems) Errors send to: entwicklung@stoehr-sauer.de ================================================================================================== Common ========= + This is the first new version for AutoCAD Architecture 2023